Wandering Minds

Soap for the Brain: The Adventures of Ava and Kiltman

TJ Anderson and Juniper Nguyen

Comic so i thought i'd do the research for you on this comic strip. this was an actual conversation (word for word) i had with my pal D'Angel . so i found two major definitions of Rule #34 .. i'll leave it to you to figure out which applies. http://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/frcp/Rule34.htm#Rule34 Producing Documents, Electronically Stored Information, and Tangible Things, or Entering onto Land, for Inspection and Other Purposes http://rule34.paheal.net/post/list i'll give you a hint.. its the 2nd one. but i thought it was funny that there is a Rule 34 in the FRCP .. bloody lawyers.
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