Wandering Minds

Soap for the Brain: The Adventures of Ava and Kiltman

TJ Anderson and Juniper Nguyen

ComicThis comic was created for Dante Shepherd, author of Surviving the world, who makes a a popular webcomic in the sub-category of Photocomic, that Jules Rivera thinks isn’t a legitimate art form. After I saw that (being a fan of STW) I thought I’d apply some XKCD, (another strip Miss Rivera doesn’t like) treatment to a photocomic and this is what came out.. Alas Dante chose not to use it, and I didn’t want it to go to waste.. (AND Juniper wasn’t’ able to complete the regularly scheduled strip today heh) so, with all due respect to Professor Shepherd, and the genius behind xkcd.. keeping in mind I’m running a fever and a massive headache so I’m too lazy to draw something,.. and I’m rambling.. here it is. (I hope) if you read any webcomics at all, THESE should be included in your “list”
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