Wandering Minds

Soap for the Brain: The Adventures of Ava and Kiltman

TJ Anderson and Juniper Nguyen

ComicWandering Minds is a year old. Our original goal was to do 5 strips a week and have had a book out and have been to a con already. now that i've done this for a year (technically almost two years, but i didn't start posting Until July 2009) I have soo much more respect for these pro's who tirelessly crank out awesome comic after awesome comic on a daily basis (like Jennie Breeden). I mention her specifically because its totally HER fault i even tried to draw anything at all .. who knew i could draw??!?! one day we'll go to a con and people will meet us and.. maybe i'll get some fans! i'd like to have little clock work brains to sell.. wind em up and they wander around .. ha! anyway.. for all you faithful who read this strip.. Ava and i thank you for readin us this far. (ohhh we had a 4-5 strip storyline planned out, but alas Ava's BF managed to slip her some boozes .. so she didn't wanna start it tonight.. and THATS why i made her look drunk :P) also some credit to @funkmymonkey to reminding me of the family guy episode :) Thanks Courtney!
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hey i think we got a forum up ! please sign up and say hey!


updated monday, wednesday and friday (as far as you know)
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