Wandering Minds

Soap for the Brain: The Adventures of Ava and Kiltman

TJ Anderson and Juniper Nguyen

Comicthought i'd start a series of reasons to wear a kilt.. some of my own (like #19 posted august 7th 2009) they wont' be in any order .. but should be fun Mind you, i have no problem with PUnk Rockers.. some of the best combine the genre.. THE REAL MCKENZIES kilt wearin hard core canadian/scottish PUnk rockers.. seen em in concert twice now.. thanks to my good friend Ceilidh (gaelic pronounced keelee or kaylee) for intruducing me to them... i like hardcore punk like millions of dead cops, sick of it all, suicidal tendencies.. etc.. just havin a bit of fun with the gag.. so you punks.. don't get yer panties in a wad.. infact.. lose yer knickers and put on a fuckin kilt! damn conformists.
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