Wandering Minds

Soap for the Brain: The Adventures of Ava and Kiltman

TJ Anderson and Juniper Nguyen

ComicComicThis is the first time i've done the coloring for the comic strip.. ususally i send Juniper the sketch/idea and she imagines it finished including coloring.. then i'll add the dialogue. (which mostly happened that way.. less a few other optional bits i left out) today it got to be late, so she inked it for me, and i did the coloring with the Wacom Bamboo, and added the dialogue. all my coloring "skill" comes from watching and listening to Alina Pete of Weregeek.com which you should check out. I put up her original ink so you can see the before/inked and the finished colored version. and finally, i put a link up for Gina Biggs and Jennie Breeden in their joint naughty venture called filthyfigments.com just right below there.. CLICK ON IT!! (no i don't get paid for the endorsement)
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