Wandering Minds

Soap for the Brain: The Adventures of Ava and Kiltman

TJ Anderson and Juniper Nguyen

ComicSo, living in Seattle one gets used to the availability of Wifi just about anywhere one goes..however, traveling to Eastern Washington, and Idaho, one realizes that not everyone is aware of the interscape-o-spheres. This is a wee easy peeezy strip about a couple of things that have happened on our vacation/family reunion so far.. full credit for the stick figure travel blog concept to Jennie Breeden of thedevilspanties.com who started doing awesome cute little stick figure "travel blogs" please check out her work if you aren't already a fan. Hopefully in the next few days i'll have actual wi-fi and be able to update and send much better strips to Juniper who is itchin to utilize her new wacom Bamboo tablet! ..until next time..
JUL Aug 2010 SEP
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