Wandering Minds

Soap for the Brain: The Adventures of Ava and Kiltman

TJ Anderson and Juniper Nguyen

ComicOk, so we went for a "conceptual piece here.. I live in seattle Juniper lives in upstate PA .. we were chatting online over the weekend .. this was a real conversation.. Now before you even THINK of disparaging Miss Juniper about her Geographic skills, she moved to the United States from Vietnam when she was about 8yrs old... i DARE any ONE of you to point out where Hanoi is in a map of Vietnam.. much less ANY other city... cut her some slack.. she knew it was in the south .. just not exactly where. In my line of work.. i am very familiar with maps and enjoy looking places up geographically. anyway i hope you guys understand the concept of the strip. we enjoyed making it for you !
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