Wandering Minds

Soap for the Brain: The Adventures of Ava and Kiltman

TJ Anderson and Juniper Nguyen

ComicIn case you are wondering.. your humble co-author is named TJ and 71 is 69 with two fingers in yer arse (george carlin) .. and now i leave you with a cute, but annoyingly stick-in-your-head song to give you a hint as to what that last bubble really was referring to... [Now what starts with the letter C? Cookie starts with C Let's think of other things That starts with C Oh, who cares about the other things?] C is for cookie, that's good enough for me C is for cookie, that's good enough for me C is for cookie, that's good enough for me Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C C is for cookie, that's good enough for me C is for cookie, that's good enough for me C is for cookie, that's good enough for me Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C [Hey you know what? A round cookie with one bite out of it Looks like a C A round donut with one bite out of it
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